D Vintage/HS 10041
The D Vintage/HS 10041 shipped to Midwood Guitar Studio on June 12th, 2023.
Harkening back to our roots in vintage-inspired design, our Vintage model has always been a cornerstone of the Bourgeois brand. With a few changes, we’ve made the all new Vintage Heirloom. The D Vintage/HS 10041 features the fullness of Madagascar Rosewood, paired with an Aged Tone Adirondack Spruce soundboard. The authentic prewar appointments of this guitar will bring you back to the days before the term “vintage” applied to guitars.
To learn more about the Vintage/HS, click here.
Decades ago Dana noticed that during the first few years of a large guitar’s life, guitar tops “relax” until stretched to their limit. Later in the guitars life, the top will “harden” as a result of permanent distortion. During relaxation, bass is boosted and high frequency response dies off. This often is beyond desirable limits and balance is not restored for years. In the 1990’s, Dana modified the traditional Dreadnought bracing system. Bourgeois began scalloping only the bass side of the X brace and lightening it’s tone bars. The result successfully counteracted a Dreadnought’s tendency to “unbalance”, and over the years has attracted scores of Dreadnought players. Among the ranks are Bryan Sutton, Josh Williams, Andy Falco, Courtney Hartman and many others.
To learn more about the Dreadnought, click here.