DBJ/C DB Signature 10208
This DBJ/C DB Signature 10208 shipped to Acoustic Music Works on September 29th, 2023.
As the name suggests, Dana Bourgeois’ Signature model reflects the essence of the master luthiers’ most iconic design traits. Built around it’s highly flamed Koa binding and signature multi-color herringbone, the OM DB Signature 10051 accents Adirondack Spruce and Madagascar Rosewood with the beauty of natural materials.
Learn more about the DB Signature here.
Rounding out the spectrum of our large bodied guitars is the DBJ, a full blown jumbo with an unapologetically massive sound to match. Fine tune the DBJ with options such as short (25”) and long (25.5”) scale lengths, and a cutaway for ease of access to the upper register. If jumbo describes your sound, than look no further than the DBJ.
Learn more about the DBJ here.