OM Deep Body DB Signature 10164

The OM Deep DB Signature 10164 was shipped to Acoustic Gallery on August 30th, 2023.

As the name suggests, Dana Bourgeois’ Signature model reflects the essence of the master luthiers’ most iconic design traits. Built around it’s highly flamed Koa binding and signature multi-color herringbone, the OM DB Signature 10051 accents Adirondack Spruce and Madagascar Rosewood with the beauty of natural materials.

To learn more about the DB Signature, click here.

Dealer's Information
Zion Music Co., Ltd.
b1, 34 Dongmak-ro 2-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul 04071, South Korea
Instrument Details
Purfling: Dana Bourgeois Signature Herringbone
Head Veneer: Ziricote, Figured Koa with Black/Cream Purflings
Fretboard: Ebony
Bridge: Ebony Belly - 2 5/16"
Neck: 14 Fret Square - Honduran Mahogany
Tuners: Waverly Gold with Snakewood Buttons
Pins: Bone - Black Dots
Pickguard: Celluloid Tortoise
Top Color: Natural
Aged Tone Options: Animal Protein Glue
Nut Width: 1 3/4”
Body Binding: Figured Koa
Fretboard Inlay: Short Pattern Bone Slotted Squares & Diamonds
Fretboard Binding: Figured Koa with Black/Cream Purflings
Heelcap: Madagascar Rosewood
Additional: Deep Body